Hitachi Rail: IRQB’s work leads to improved reliability and passengers’ satisfaction
IRQB is happy to bring you testimonials from our member companies across the world and the rail sector. These short interviews will give insight to the benefits of IRQB’s work from the perspective of rail sector companies.
Why did your company decide to join IRQB?
Hitachi Rail joined IRQB to:
- be part of the only international railway quality group involving all the most important stakeholders in the railway sector
- help to drive the improvement of the product quality within the rail sector
- drive, together with the other IRQB members, the future IRIS Certification evolutions of the rules
- provide Hitachi Rail experience to contribute to the definition of the IRQB guidelines
- share information and experiences with the different stakeholders
In your opinion, what is the growing importance of IRQB?
The IRQB makes it possible to define industry-specific quality standards that are consistent with the demanding requirements of the rail industry and shared among the most important railway stakeholders; this will eventually lead to improved reliability and passengers’ satisfaction.
Our IRIS certified sites significantly improved their quality awareness and performance.
What is the importance of quality from a manufacturer’s perspective?
Quality is the most important aspect to achieve customer satisfaction, with beneficial effects on the business, and to improve efficiency within the manufacturer’s organisation.
How is IRIS Certification beneficial for your company?
IRIS Certification pushes for enhanced quality and process performance within the company; our IRIS certified sites significantly improved their quality awareness and performance.
In your opinion, what is the importance of IRIS Certification for the rail sector?
IRIS Certification is important for the railway sector because it contributes to the increase of quality with consequent effect on railway reliability and finally providing benefits for the passengers