Corrective Actions
IRIS Certification aims at enhancing the quality of individual rail companies and the sector as a whole. However, to be able to improve, we first need to know the challenges the sector is facing. As the IRIS Certification system ensures transparent and objective assessment of companies’ quality performance, it allows us to better understand the shortcomings the sector is facing to improve its overall performance. Corrective Actions are used during the IRIS Certification audits to draw attention to a fault in company’s quality management system that needs to be corrected in order to be awarded an IRIS Certificate. This section will provide you with an overview of Corrective Actions per IRIS activity, continent, chapter and more.
Corrective actions per audit per IRIS activity
The chart below presents a global overview of corrective actions per audit categorised by companies’ activities.
Corrective actions per chapter
See the chart below to compare the number of corrective actions per chapter between 2012 and 2021.
Corrective actions per audit type
The following graph allows you to see the number of corrective actions per audit type (ex. certification audit, re-certification audit, surveillance audit, etc.,) between 2012 and 2021.
to compare 2012, 2017 and 2021 for
CA, SA and RCA
Global overview of corrective actions
See the map below to discover the average number of corrective actions per audit around the world.